
medical & wellness welfare


mewewe™ is the only digital corporate welfare platform specialized in offering solutions for health and well-being, developed by innovabiohealth and dedicated to companies that want to offer to employees and collaborators the opportunity to achieve and maintain a perfect physical condition

mewewe™ offers advanced solutions in the field of proactive, preventive, predictive medicine and in the field of personalized medicine, using the most modern methods deriving from genomics and precision medicine

The philosophy of mewewe™ is based on the search for a state of global well-being, in which the goal is not only to prevent the onset of diseases or diagnose them at the eraly stage, and not simply cure them, but also the achievement of a perfect physical form that can truly identify with "feeling and feeling good"

mewewe™ offers specific services for women, men and children, solutions for nutrition, diet and sport and for diagnostic anticipation

innovabiohealth S.r.l.
società con unico socio

società sottoposta a direzione e coordinamento
da parte di nico innovagroup S.r.l.

start-up costituita a norma  dell'art. 4 comma 10 bis D.L. 24 gennaio 2015, n. 3
iscritta nell'apposita sezione speciale in qualità' di start-up innovativa

P.IVA e C.F.: 04265270985
REA: BS - 601203
Via Caleppe 6, 25125 Brescia, Italia

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