
the experience of lab diagnostics, reinvented

today, with testinclick™, you can do most of the lab tests
without leaving your home!

choose the tests you need, we send you our self-collection kits for capillary blood, urine or saliva, you take and collect your samples, simply and without pain, we pick up and send them to our network of labs and you receive your results, available online: all in one click!

or, if you prefer, you can have a nurse at your home, or office, or wherever you are, to collect the sample for testing

testinclick™ is the innovative solution to do most lab tests at home without moving, taking venous blood, anxiety and waste of time!

all simply from home, in one click, but wit the quality
of lab diagnostics

innovabiohealth S.r.l.
società con unico socio

società sottoposta a direzione e coordinamento
da parte di nico innovagroup S.r.l.

start-up costituita a norma  dell'art. 4 comma 10 bis D.L. 24 gennaio 2015, n. 3
iscritta nell'apposita sezione speciale in qualità' di start-up innovativa

P.IVA e C.F.: 04265270985
REA: BS - 601203
PEC: innovabiohealth@pec.innovabiohealth.com
Via Caleppe 6, 25125 Brescia, Italia  

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